SLPMC is dedicated to insure you receive the quality product that you require, within the time frame you want; and at or below the price you have budgeted.
SLPMC is accustomed to providing clients with high quality professional services of project management, consulting, project supervision, cost engineering, and engineering design.
The objective of the capability statement is to convey our range of experience, expertise and commitment.
As independent construction consultants, we sit on your side of the table protecting your commercial interests. You will get unbiased, sound professional advice. Our loyalty is with the client and our advice can¡¯t be influenced by others.
As experts in project management, we continually challenge the information, reports, recommendations provided by both the design team and contractors so as to ensure their performance is always under scrutiny.
All clients are exposed to risk when they commission a project. Our detailed monitoring and auditing services together with sound commercial advice will help guide you through the project and help secure the project objectives, then minimize your exposure to risk and expensive contractual delays.
Our fees are minimal in relation to the cost of your investment, but our services will make a significant impact on the financial outcome of the project.
Our approach can be flexible so as to assist you in specific areas. We are able to provide a total service package or offer a menu of services which we can be negotiated with you pre- and post- contract as appropriate.
Our role is to work with and for you & your team to ensure that you obtain optimum performance from the design team and contractors in order to ensure you achieve your objectives.